London Journey-And so it begins

So I haven’t blogged in forever, but I thought I should probably start up again since I am on a once in a lifetime trip abroad for the semester in London. I arrived yesterday, way too early in the morning after getting maybe one hour of sleep on the plane. Yesterday was definitely a haze, but beyond exciting as well. There were many things I wasn’t expecting that I realize are going to be challenging, such as making a new friend group after getting so comfortable with my friend group back at ND, and having to cook every meal on my own, but there are unexpected graces and joy in these challenges as well. I have already met and began to form friendships with many wonderful people, people I imagine myself being friends with for life. And going shopping for groceries and various important things with some of these people yesterday made me feel like a real adult, but one who wasn’t in this growing up process alone. Taking the tube around the city and cooking dinner last night was really invigorating and even on just about no sleep, made me feel very alive. This city is just throbbing with energy and diversity, and I couldn’t be more excited to be in the midst of it with so many wonderful students. But before I really get involved with the city, I want to make some goals for myself as a sort of spiritual exercise this fine London morning. So here we go:

Goals for my semester in London:

1) I want to grow culturally by pushing myself to experience at least one (at least somewhat) unfamiliar cultural event a week. While out walking yesterday I saw so many advertisements for plays, concerts, and various services, and I can’t wait to dive in. I can’t imagine a time in my life where I will have more opportunity to do this, so I want to take advantage of it while I can.

2) I want to get to know the people of London, hopefully by participating in service activities regularly.  I think one of the most valuable parts of any study abroad experiences is getting to know people who’s lives are nothing like your own.

3) I want to disconnect from the parts of myself I don’t like, such as the technology addicted parts, and focus on paying attention to the world around me instead of being in my own self-absorbed world. To this end, I want to get lost. I want to have to ask for directions, wonder down streets I don’t have to take to get there the fastest, just ride around on the bus for a while going no place in particular and get off when I see something I want to check out. I want to explore instead of plan, and dive in without fear.

4) I want to be able to see God in places I never have before. Being in a big, diverse, and foreign city is definitely out of my comfort zone, and being out of my comfort zone does one of two things to my faith: it either deepens it, or weakens it. I want to deepen my faith my being able to look at faith from a million new angles. From historical angles in this wonderfully ancient city, from the angles of the poor and migrants here in London, and from angles I can’t possibly predict right now.

5) I want to come back changed. I want to come back as a more accepting, braver, more savvy, more global, and more aware person. I want to come back as someone who is fully present to each moment, and fully appreciative of the beauty and culture around them. I want to come back with new friends from all over the world. But of course, I hope to only deepen the core of who I am: a simple child of God who just wants to make God happy by making this world better than I found it.

3 thoughts on “London Journey-And so it begins

  1. Can’t tell you how much I enjoyed your blog and will look forward to keeping up with you and your travels. Papa and I are sooooo proud of you. Take care and know we think of you here in Biloxi every day!! Love you soooooo much.

  2. Awesome, Kaitlyn! Once a week, discipline yourself to cut-up a bell pepper, some carrot sticks, and some brocolli. Make up a bunch of “veggie-packs” to keep in your refrigerator. Also, you can empty one of your veggie packs into a frying pan with a splash of olive oil. Once the veggies are soft, turn off the heat and toss into that pan a can of soup with a hint of water. Voi-lah! Fresh veggies, plenty of vitamin K, and healthier eyeballs to SEE God’s beautiful world around you.

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